WORKING AT HEIGHTS TICKET | COURSE TRAINING | RIIWHS204E The number one Working at Heights course for $255 on the Sunshine Coast. We also offer packaged deals to complete your Confined Space training on the same day.
CONFINED SPACE TRAINING | RIIWHS202E The number one Confined Space course for $265 on the Sunshine Coast. We also offer packaged deals to complete your Working at Heights training on the same day.
ACDC CHEMICAL LICENCE TRAINING AND ACCREDITATION The number one ACDC Chemical Licence Training for $490 on the Sunshine Coast, Brisbane, and Gold Coast.
CHAINSAW COURSE – OPERATE AND MAINTAIN CHAINSAWS AHCMOM213 The number one Chainsaw course for $330 on the Sunshine Coast and Brisbane South. Get qualified with our one day course today. Operate and Maintain Chainsaws AHCMOM213
FELL SMALL TREES COURSE AHCPCM205 The number one Fell Small Trees course for $358 on the Sunshine Coast and Brisbane South. Get qualified with our one day course today. FELL SMALL TREES COURSE AHCPCM203
FIRST AID AND CPR First aid and CPR can be done together on the same day or CPR can be done seperately. CPR Only $65 – First aid and CPR $135
SKID STEER (BOBCAT) OPERATIONS TRAINING This unit includes the theoretical and practical components of Skid Steer (Bobcat) operations in the civil construction industry. RIIMPO318E Conduct civil construction skid steer loader
FORKLIFT LICENCE | TRAINING $569 per person on your worksite (Minimum three (3) required). TLILIC0003 Licence to Operate a Forklift Truck
HORTICULTURE AND PARKS AND GARDENS UNITS AHCBIO203 Weed and Seed course, AHCMOM203 Operate basic machinery and equipment, AHCMOM202 Operate tractors, AHCWRK209 Participate in environmentally sustainable work practices, AHCPMG201 Treat weeds and AHCCHM201 Apply chemicals under supervision
SHIFT MATERIALS SAFELY USING MANUAL HANDLING This unit includes the theoretical and practical components of the unit TLID0020 Shift materials safely using manual handling methods. This unit involves the skills and knowledge required to shift loads safely using manual handling methods. 4 – 6 Hours duration.